Thursday 13 June 2013

team building + Birthday Partyyyyyyyyy

salam semua..

today kat office de wat birthday, boleh baca entry semalam yang ciput tu.
Tapi hari ni bukan nak cite pasal birthday tp nak cite pasal team building..cewahhh bunyi macam nak bagi ceramah je.

happy birthday to azrie and ct cheery

    Happy birthday to you..
                         happy birthday to you
           happy birthday to azrie n hawa..
happy birthday to you


sebenarnye, hari ni my bos cik ct de hantar emil kat my clique and I.emeil dia bunyi cam ni..

Dear All
Still Pending

Please spare some times TODAY….URGENT!

Benda yang kami bincangkan adalah yang kat bawah ni..
Benda yang kat bawah ni dia emilkan waktu dia nak pergi outstation hari tu

Dear All

We are in the betterment of the organisation growth, hence need your support and feedback to make our aim achieved.

Kindly write down your job duties as HR & Admin Officer
1         Liase With EPF, SOCSO and for any new recruit and to update registration number into individual employee record

2         Prepare contract of appointment for all contract workers and related HR documentation

3         Update workers attendance system (TMS)

4         Update staff leave application and record

5         Update the staff medical record

6         Responsible and monitoring on the general office such as the cleanliness, repair services and making analysis of all the above

7         Make a travel arrangement for all staff

8         Control and maintain the personal file for contract workers

9         Checking the punchcard against the tabulation for payroll preparation

10     To update the employee training record as per ISO requirements

11     To liase with the external parties such as government bodies like Immigration on the working permit and visa

12     Prepare the contract workers salary

13     Arrange office maintenance and sundries purchases

14     And other responsibilities assigned by the superior from time to time

What are the obstacles that you are encounter/gone through it, if any do you have idea to solve it
communicate with site staff-not clear- using phone not direct

What are the challenges as part of HR team
know each other works

What are the team critical success factors?
-taem building

15     What is your personal goal as HR team and what is your team goal

Please get it done in written and bring for discussion on Thursday.

Ingatkan dia nak panggil aku dengan officemate aku sekali tapi dia panggil sorang-sorang.
Aku la orang 1st yang kena.

Macam-macam soalan pulak yang dia Tanya, even aku dah bagi jawapan bertulis pun dia still nak aku elaborate lagi….

Anatara soalan yang diajukan ialah
Cik siti: apa halangan kamu sebagai hR
Cik Siti: bab gaji ni ape lagi yang kamu tak faham
Cik Siti: ni semua kamu ambik dlam jD (job description) , saya nak thu tugas kamu yang tak de dalam ni
Aku: bla..bla..bla..

The conclusions is: kamu ni kurang self confident, saya nak kamu tingkatkan self confident kamu…
Kalau tak macam mana saya nak bagi kamu jadi auditor. (xnak jadi auditor nanti kena p outstation..laki saya tak bagi)

Cik Siti: Haliza kamu cuba tengok Siti Hawa tu, dulu dia la manusia yang paling takut kat semua orang, paling kurang self-confident, tengok list barang pun dah nangis..tapi skrg dia lagi bagus dari bos dia (“ dalam hati aku berkata” “ kalau cik hawa dengar ni confirm terkoyak suar sbb kena puji dengan cik siti”)
Cik Siti: Apa moto bukan motosikal tapi objektif kamu dalam hR team ni?
Aku: wat keje on time, meet date line, perfect and no quire,…

Ni moto idaman aku...

Letih jugak la nak berjawab dengan bos ni, dah la nervous sbb aku ni sebenarnye main hentam je tulis jawapan tu tambah pulak air cond bilik dia sejuk jadi memang terketar-ketar la badan aku ni.

Xpe lah rasanye sampai sini je, saya nak panggil Norita pulak ni.

_end of session_ alhamdullillah.

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